Hypertranscribe free trial
Hypertranscribe free trial

hypertranscribe free trial

It uses JPlayer, it's not responsive, and it uses popcorn js to make the hypertranscript connection with the video. Some of the constraints in this implementation are due to the technology that was available at the time it was implemented.


I looked into the code from this open source project by Mark Boas both at The Times Build the news hackaton and at BBC news hackaton. You can see the code open source on github What I like about this project is that it gives a way into the video, allowing to search the text, and provide some basic infographic, through a pie chart, on the search terms, you can see how many time the respective candidates have mentioned a certain word. In the Aljazeera Obama - Romney debate the word accurate hypertranscript was done manually. Editorial Projects Aljazeera Debate Obama - Romney

hypertranscribe free trial

I will start with the editorial project as we will see, in this context they often are a starting point for developing tools. While editorial are those projects that are more about the content and the delivery of information. Tools are those projects that allow the user to make something, such as provided a video and returning transcriptions. These are going to be divided into tools, and editorial. I am now going to consider similar solutions and different approaches to working with video transcriptions on the web. As the viewer is being delivered information both through auditory and reading and writing. And in fact in the final web application the process of adding the corresponding video segment to a text quote, is taking into account the variety of learning styles.

hypertranscribe free trial

But also, more crucially, that the same information can be delivered in different ways to meet the different learning styles.Īpplying this consideration to the publishing of news article, forces us to re-consider the publishing of text based articles and the use of multimedia to engage a wider audience taking into account the variety of learning styles.Īs a practical example, in the making of quickQuote this consideration guided a lot of the assumptions to test through the investigation of the problem. The core concept is that each individual as one (or more) preferred learning style. Five main learning styles are identified, visual, auditory, reading and writing, kinaesthetic and multi-modal. Simply put, different people learn in different ways. The other consideration that guides most of the projects I work on comes from VARK, idea of the variety of learning styles. This consideration of building a system rather then a one of editorial piece is the initial inspiration behind most of the projects I've been working on, which you can read more about here: autoEdit, Interactive databate #buildTheNews, OneStory at BBC #newsHack, quickQuote - Times & Sunday Times.Īt the end of this post, I'll give a summary of each one of these in relation to the other projects described below. The best example is a dialect quiz by the NY Times, that was widely popular, and BuzzFeed, inspired by the format made a "Quizz builder"Īnd after the first release, published 20 variations with minimal effort. The NY Times competitors such as BuzzFeed, were instead able to separate form from content.

  • Kevin Delaney, editor of Quartz p36 NY Times Innovation report.
  • I'd rather have a snow-fall builder then a snowfall. We are focused on building tools to create snow fall every day, and getting them as close to reporters as possible. Were time consuming and a lot of effort went into the making of a one of piece with a relatively short life span. The biggest issue highlighted in the report was that flagship projects such as snow falls


    To best understand the challenges in developing software in a news environment, I referred to the leaked New York Times Innovation report. Often times this is done with the use of time-coded transcriptions. I am mostly interested in projects were we go beyond "videos as black boxes" on the web, and get a programmatic access into the video. The porpuse of this blog post is to keep an up to date list of projects that are doing interesting things to do with video on the web. The resulting application was quickQuote, a tool to easily identify and share video quotes, you can read more about it here. The project consisted of identifying a problem statment, and developing a software application as part of a placement at The Times & Sunday Times in London. This is a modified version of the second chapter, literature review, of the final project dissertation I did for UCL Msc in CS (2015). Various interesting uses of video on the web, both in form of tools and editorial projects.

    Hypertranscribe free trial