Making animation in firealpaca
Making animation in firealpaca

making animation in firealpaca

I couldn’t draw directly in Flash because I’m not very good at it. Also for shading, I duplicated the same layers and change the shading for next frame so I don’t have to keep shading the next frame. The technique I used when I drew out the frame I duplicated to make some image movements quicker and also it is a faster processing way to save time. I used FireAlpaca to draw out the frames and then I imported them into Flash to animate them. Once Jade completed the storyboard, I agreed on working on the animation. Me and Jade decided to use the music Schadenfreude by Avenue Q because it inspired Jade first to draw out a storyboard and I helped her by adding some ideas when I heard the song afterwards. We also decided to also add some funny scenes that audience may find very amusing. We decided to put 2 characters singing and moving along with the song we choose. We also decided to use our own characters in the animation.

making animation in firealpaca

We saw some good flash animations that worked smoothly with the song what people made on the website. I found some really good inspirational videos on the website Youtube. I started researching some music videos online. My role was to produce a 1-minute animation with music and characters singing along done using FireAlpaca and Flash Programs. I am going to discuss the process of my animation what Jade and me had been working on. Over the last couple months, Jade and me had been producing a short animation of Schadenfreude by Avenue Q with visual illustration in the scenes.

Making animation in firealpaca